Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday August 25th 2009

Aug 25th is National Second Hand Clothes Day. A great day to embrace your personal frugality and sieze the opportunity purchase previously owned fashions. Shirts, Pants, even socks. For me not underwear, just because I don't want my Boys playing were someone else's Boys have already lived. I just don't trust that they didn't leave any of their toys in the yard.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vinyl Record Appreciation Day

Vinyl Records Appreciation Day. Ok Kids once upon a time before your ipod, before the CD before your cassette walkman, Music was listened to on a record player a needle was actually used read the analog music off the vinyl record which would spin around at 33 or 45 or 78 rpm. This made them far less conducive to jogging and doomed to extinctinction in the digital world we live now

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Duran Duran Appreciation Day

As I take it as my duty to share whatever the crazy day de jour may be, I just want to say that some make less sense than others. Today is Duran Duran appreciation day. Well do whatever you would do to pay Homage to Duran Duran. Me I'm going to put on something from the Stones, Fred & Barney

Monday, August 10, 2009

Elvis Week

Today is the beginning of Elvis Week, so time to put away the King of Pop, and celebrate the King of Rock. Have a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, a deep fried Twinkie, some fried chicken in honor of Elvis. With a heart healthy diet like that how could he have left us so young.

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7 2009

Today is Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day an ode to packaging that requires a blowtorch and a chainsaw to access its contents. So as you play with a plethora of polymers protecting poignant parts and pieces pray no passionate person proposes people proof packaging.